Random Thoughts from a guy who doesn't have anything better to do.. But if you are reading this, I guess u are just the same. Enjoy yourself !!!

Friday, July 29, 2005

A Stream of Consciousness

Read this phrase the other day on Wikipedia and it's got me hooked.. In layman terms, what this means is that you put your thoughts,feelings on paper/music/canvas whatever; without thinking about the structure surrounding our creation. For example while writing I may write whatever comes to my mind without worrying about the words, punctuations, grammar etc.. You are supposed to get so high that you do not worry about the trivialities surrounding your work. Just put it out as some volcano spewing out lava and be done with it.. You can always come back later and polish it further..

Just remember that whatever you create should be original and heartfelt. Only then can you create something exciting and beautiful. Also unless you are a genius like Mozart this stream is not going to be self sustaining..Like all streams it has to come out from a source. And in this case, the source is the sum total of time and your experiences. Yup, time and experience that's the magic mantra.. Kerouac (More on him later) is supposed to have written his legendary "On the Road" in just three weeks. In his case his source was his wanderings with Neal and other beatniks which lasted for more than six years. It's only that in those 3 weeks he sat down and wrote out everything he wanted to say..


Blogger A-para-jit said...

Interesting. I know what you mean.... sometimes I have so much energy inside me that my fingers have almost no controll (when I am sketching).like you said, one needs to have a fire burning in the heart to achieve this....

6:07 AM


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